ODA Market Alert: Latest .🇬🇧 UK usage data confirms expectations.

ODA Market Alert: Latest .🇬🇧 UK usage data confirms expectations.

AHDB data for Jul-Nov shows the 🍞 milling sector used the smallest volume of wheat in over a decade, with domestic wheat usage in sharp decline and imported wheat showing a sharp increase. This makes sense, as local supplies are very tight and prices relatively expensive. The 🍺 brewing industry has used the least malting barley since 2010/11, as pubs/restaurants shutter, due to COVID restrictions. 🐄 Feed compounders continued to focus their needs on barley supplies, over wheat, simply due to the huge price difference. This data confirms our earlier expectations on how the demand profile would develop this season, bearing in mind the 2020 wheat crop disaster, alongside more than ample barley supplies.