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7 February 2025

Why are our wheat prices not (yet) following the global agricultural price rebound?

Since the beginning of 2025, US corn prices have risen by 22%, soya prices by more than 10%, yet MATIF and LIFFE wheat have remained largely stable. Investment funds are long on all agricultural commodities, but they have maintained a strong short position on wheat despite tight fundamentals. We believe wheat prices will wake up soon—it is only a matter of demand and timing.

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Liffe Feed Wheat

t-iceLONDON WHEATMar 25183.65s183.65s-0.25N/A183.65   ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATMay 25189.65s189.65s-0.25189.45189.95188.501904096ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATJul 25194.95s194.95s-0.15N/A194.95   ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATNov 25195.95s195.95s-0.15196.10196.10195.05414206ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATJan 26198.75s198.75s-0.15N/A198.75   ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATMar 26201.55s201.55s-0.15N/A201.55   ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATMay 26204.35s204.35s-0.15N/A204.35  404ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT
t-iceLONDON WHEATJul 26207.15s207.15s-0.15N/A207.15   ICE07/02/202519:57:18LONDON FEED WHEATLONDON_FEED_WHEAT

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